Creepz Genesis
by Cold Blooded Creepz
$loomi to the mooni! ?
A new emerging trend in the NFT space is what is becoming known as ‘play to earn’ games shortened to P2E.
We have seen an ‘invasion’ of Creepz NFT projects all over OpenSea this week and this has become the latest successful P2E project after games such as CyberKongz and Wolf Game.
How does the Creepz NFT P2E work?
First and foremost, you need to remember that Creepz is just like any other profile picture NFT collection at its core, you buy the one you like, join the community and hopefully watch the floor price rise.
The artwork is fantastic and their website is one of the slickest in the NFT space.
However, there is a lot more to it when you dive a little deeper with a chance to actually make passive income.
A profile picture that pays you in a crypto called $loomi.
To start yielding $loomi you will need to purchase a Creepz Genesis on OpenSea and then ‘stake’ it on their website.
Once you have the genesis Creep in your metamask wallet, you connect to their website, click the staking building on the interactive map and click OK to the instructions to instantly start yielding $loomi. This is such a smooth process.
The colour of your creep will determine how much $loomi you yield a day, for example Purple Creepz yield 1900 $loomi coins per day as they are the rarest and Green Creepz yield 1500 coins as they are the most common.
What is fantastic is this staking process is simply so you can start earning their coin, you are not tied into it for a set time and can unstake whenever you like.
There is also other bolt on items you can grab to yield even more sweet $loomi every day such as armoury and bank vaults if you really want to start filling your bags.
Why do I need $Loomi?
$Loomi can be used to buy upcoming art drops in the Creepz universe that you can keep or flip on OpenSea, we saw this with their shapeshifters drop that also hit the top 10 collections on OpenSea this week. $Loomi can also be used to play the Creepz game as they work through season one that will include collecting magic shards, visiting planets and sacrificing NFTs at the Creepz temple.
The other great thing for all you degens out there is you can export $Loomi in UniSwap and convert it to Ethereum. Each day your NFT is earning you $Loomi coin that you can essentially swap for Ethereum or any other crypto on UniSwap for that matter. You can also buy and trade $Loomi as you would with any other crypto coin.
This liquidity pool was set up by the community (the founders are legally not allowed to set it up) and it caused such as massive shockwave in the NFT community Creepz initially shot to a 10eth floor and people were earning $1000 worth of $Loomi per Creep EVERY DAY! Naturally this has settled down now, at the time of writing one creep makes you about 100 bucks a day (3k a month) and that is still very impressive for a project very much in its infancy.
When you consider a genesis item from the P2E CyberKong game makes $200 a day and the floor is currently 200k, you see the huge potential here.
Currently 97% of these NFT lizards are staked (that’s why the OpenSea page only shows 170 owners) and there is currently only 95 for sale out of 11,111 at the time of writing.
The key to the continued success of Creepz will be the founders making sure they can keep people spending $loomi in game and not drawing it out, and the team of BAYC members from London have pledged a 1.2 million pounds war chest to make this happen.