Katherine Strawbb
by Katherine
Woman Eats Strawberry ▷
This artist proved anything is possible in NFTs by selling this artwork for almost $3000.
This piece of artistic mastery is a video of her carefully eating a delicious strawberry. Sweet!
What made the buyer on Foundation part with four figures for this chomp-a-thon?
We have so many questions!
- Is it the strawberry?
- Is it her?
- Is it the way she eats the strawberry?
- Is eating strawberries a ‘thing’ now?
Nevertheless, Katherine (real name Katherine) tells us she explores the social implications of consumer technology. Her work has been featured in Codame Festival, Dazed Digital, & PAPER Magazine, with commissions for NewHive & MTV.
She is now making more NFTs of her eating fruit for the masses, this work includes blueberries, grapes and the much desired plum.
View her work here, but only on a full stomach! ?