by Acid Button
Space Button Expedition ▷
This NFT is a very cool piece by an up-and-coming artist going by the name of Acid Button.
He describes himself as a Psychedelic Astronaut based in Brazil and told us:
“I’m an unexplored universe” – Acid Button
Interesting. We’re certainly hooked.
We thought as a new artist this was a really interesting concept. The spinning of the vinyl representing orbit with an eerie and fitting soundtrack.
The description only states “Music transcends language and universes.” Can’t disagree with that.
This is what is known in the NFT market as a “punt”. Currently at a bidding price of under $1000 this could easily be flipped a year down the line if Acid Button becomes more established.
Or he may disappear into orbit never to be seen again. Either way, we’re fans at NFT Artwork and we will be watching all the way – to infinity and beyond.
View the NFT on MakersPlace here.